At Coastland we deliver product to our customers efficiently.
Coastland has grown from a single line veneer mill to a triple line mill with an offsite drying facility, two barge loading facilities, and three log sorts. Our infrastructure has grown as our customer needs have grown with efficiency, and safety as the key drivers. Our facilities compliment other capacity in our region, resulting in a healthy forest industry that further benefits Coastland and our customers.
Veneer & Roundwood Mill
Production of high quality Douglas-fir veneer and cores.
Drying Facility
Annacis Island (Delta)
Veneer drying facility with digital technology for grade verification.
Log Sorting Facilities
Dryland sort capacity in key locations.
Barge Facilities
Duke Point (Nanaimo)
Annacis Island (Delta)
Loading and reloading facility at two key locations with capacity and secure storage.